+255 789 199290 | +255 768 583848



This training is designed knowing the value of employees’ welfare management and career development in retaining scarce skills within the organization. The retaining of scarce skills is achieved through improving employees’ morale and level of motivation as the result of well thought welfare. With this status, employees become self-driving in meeting corporate objectives. In addition, the training addresses the knowledge gap in employees’ career development. It acknowledges the fact that organisations fail to maximise the utilisation of their staff because of poor career development plans, as well as the poor implementation of such plans. The next part provides details about this training. 


It is the objective of this training to equip participants with skills necessary in welfare management and proper career development for employees. The following are the contents: -

  • Develop an understanding on how to provide a better life and health to employees in modern environment
  • Develop an understanding on how to manage the welfare of employees in a satisfactory manner
  • Understand welfare procedures that address workers fatigue, while improving intellectual, cultural and living standards of the workers
  • Understand how to conduct career development need analysis
  • Understand how to set the career development plan relevant for corporate goals
  • Understand how to implement and evaluate the career development program, and assess its impact to the organisation

Payment Method

Kindly contact us for fee details. The training will be conducted at Arusha Corridor Springs Hotel


Managing Director,

Arusha International Capacity Building Centre,

Mob: +255 789 199 290

Application Form