+255 789 199290 | +255 768 583848



This training is intended for those working in management (supervisory) and Human Resources positions. It is designed to enable them to acquire skills for managing the performance of their subordinates through creating an environment for them to perform to the best of their abilities, to produce quality work within time. Meanwhile, the training will also enable participants to understand how to relate the performance of individuals with their compensation scheme. Overall, the training considers the importance of human capital (in modern organisation), in ensuring that the craved corporate performance is achieved. With our experience, we expect to meet your expectations through quality presentations and case discussions.


This training is designed to enable participants to conduct performance management through their subordinates so as to achieve corporate objectives. The following are specific issues to this training.

  • To provide an overview on performance management and its fundamentals
  • To learn how to design a performance Management system
  • To learn how to set expectation and individual performance goals
  • To learn the recommended performance management process
  • Ethics in performance management
  • Roles of a leader in performance management
  • Mentoring and Coaching, Performance Monitoring, Performance Measurement
  • Performance reward, incentives and fringe Benefits

Payment Method

This training will be conducted at the Arusha Corridor Springs Hotel, between 20-24 March, 2023. This course is designed for those involved in managing Human Resources, Work Supervisors, Heads of Department and even Directors


Managing Director,

Prof. Edson W. Lubua


Application Form